Why FOX News Channel Doesn’t Fear Ad Boycotts

Current system means if you pay for cable, you’re funding right-wing propaganda

Manny Otiko
5 min readNov 15, 2021
Photo by The All-Nite Images /Wikipedia

My recent attempt to delete FOX News Channel (FNC) from my cable lineup indicates some of the problems with cable TV.

After learning that FNC has a deal with the cable companies where a portion of your bill goes to them, I decided to follow the Unfoxmycablebox movement and delete the channel from my lineup.

This proved to be a frustrating task. After gearing myself up to face a labyrinthine customer service system, I finally got through to an operator and explained my problem. I told her I wanted to delete FOX News from my cable lineup. After much hemming and hawing, the Spectrum customer service rep. told me that it was simply not possible. The only way I could get rid of FOX News was to delete the package that also provided MSNBC and CNN, actual news outlets.

We went back and forth for about 10 minutes before I finally gave up. I just wasted about 30 minutes of my time on a futile task.

Is FOX News boycott proof?

The only option I have is going to streaming which allows me to choose the services I want. I currently use the Roku to stream certain services, and I may further explore this to…



Manny Otiko

Manny Otiko writes about race, politics and sports. He has been published in Salon and LA Weekly. Follow him on Twitter @mannyotiko.