TRUTH Social Joins List of High-Profile Trump Disasters

Former president’s social media company was doomed to fail

Manny Otiko
4 min readMar 28, 2022
Former President Donald Trump and Rep. Devin Nunes (Trump White House/Flickr)

Well, as I predicted, former President Donald Trump’s latest business venture is going the way of Trump University and Trump steaks. Yes, TRUTH Social, a Trump-led social media site that was supposed to take on big tech, is already circling the drain. Like most Trump business ventures, it will be dead within a year.

Not surprisingly, the man who talked about nuking hurricanes and injecting bleach to kill the coronavirus, has delivered another business bomb.

TRUTH Social launched in February and is already showing signs of trouble. The first problem was the app was only available on the iPhone. Then there was a long wait to download the app. According to The Guardian, it took their writer almost a month to access the site. The Daily Beast said that at one point, it was averaging about 300,000 views a day. But statistics from SimilarWeb state the app is currently no. 173 in downloads. Not good in a business that is all about clicks and views.



Manny Otiko

Manny Otiko writes about race, politics and sports. He has been published in Salon and LA Weekly. Follow him on Twitter @mannyotiko.