New Book Says ‘Reality TV President’ Was Always In Over His Head

Entertainment writer portrays Trump as petty, vindictive, faded star

Manny Otiko
4 min readJun 27, 2024
Image created by Wonder

I’ve read several biographies of former President Donald Trump but “Apprentice in Wonderland” is different. Firstly, author Ramin Setoodeh, editor-in-chief of Variety, approaches Trump as a creature of the entertainment world.

I’ve heard this before, but Setoodeh’s writing cements this. And this is perhaps why Trump was such a disaster in the White House. He’s an entertainment guy. His job was to make people laugh and get riled up by saying outrageous things.

Those skills made him ill-equipped to run the most powerful nation in the world. Hence, his presidency was a train wreck. American voters wanted governance, not entertainment, especially during a pandemic. And Trump failed at the former.

A Pampered Hollywood Star

“Apprentice in Wonderland” portrays Trump as a petty, vindictive and vain individual. Essentially, he comes across like a…



Manny Otiko

Manny Otiko writes about race, politics and sports. He has been published in Salon and LA Weekly. Follow him on Twitter @mannyotiko.