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Cancel Culture Crusade is FOX News’ Latest Fake War
Conservatives trying to be as offensive as they can
If you read conservative media recently you’d think the biggest problem in the world was so-called “cancel culture.” Cancel culture is a catchall phrase used to describe the habit of removing people from the public consciousness for previous sins. At least that’s the way the right-wingers would like to describe it. Media Matters broke down the numbers regarding FOX News’ latest obsession, the revision of Dr. Seuss books.
The decision to remove outdated and offensive depictions of Africans and Asians was made by Dr. Seuss Enterprises. But FOX News spun it as Dr. Seuss falling victim to the Democrat-led cancel culture. In reality, Democrats had nothing to do with the decision, but FOX News never let the facts get in the way of a good story. According to Media Matters, FOX News dedicated more airtime to the Dr. Seuss story, than FBI Director Christopher Wray’s Senate testimony on domestic terrorism!